What is Barkat and how to get it in your life?
I don’t think there is an English term that entirely encapsulates the meaning of this Arabic term.
Before writing this article, I looked up the meaning of Barkat in English — unfortunately, there is no direct English translation. However, I came across many different terms that can collectively define Barkat — prosperity, blessing, success, abundance, increase, and good fortune.
Barkat is part of the daily vocabulary of practicing Muslims all around the world. One can perhaps grasp the meaning of Barkat better by reading it in a few sentences.
Examples of Barkat in a few sentences:
“Early mornings are full of Barkat for me, I get a lot more done in the morning than I do later in the day.”
“That man has a lot of Barkat in his earnings, he can provide for such a big family with such a modest amount of salary.”
“She often complains about the lack of Barkat in her life, lately nothing has been working out for her.”
Barkat is a phenomenon
I think of Barkat as a phenomenon in one’s life. When there is Barkat in something, a small amount of it is beneficial and enough for everybody. On the other hand, If there is a large amount, it benefits the people it belongs to and its presence does not cause stress or anxiety in their lives. This concept can be extrapolated into every aspect of our lives.
For example, many people do not have Barkat in their wealth, because its presence does not bring any benefit or joy into their lives. This wealth often causes infighting between siblings and makes enemies out of people who have the same last name. These people end up spending a tremendous amount of their lives quarrelling over some pieces of property, business, or something materialistic that they could have enjoyed together if there was Barkat in their wealth or their lives.
How do we get Barkat in our lives?
Now that we have learned enough to get the gist of what Barkat means — how do we gain Barkat in our lives?
The formula for Barkat
Whatever aspect of life you want to have Barkat in — share and spread it with people around you in a genuine manner without expecting anything in return from them. Practice gratitude and live your life with excellent morals and ethics.
Barkat in life
To have Barkat in your life, here are a few other things that I also find incredibly helpful.
Practice Gratitude
Practice gratitude — focus on the things that you have than those that you don’t, take care of them, and of course be grateful.
Take care of everything important to you such as your health, family, friends, pets, the environment, and the place you live in. This will make a tremendous impact on the quality of your life.
Avoid Envy and Jealousy
Avoid envy and jealousy as much as possible. I read somewhere on the internet that envy and jealousy are joyless sins.
To do so, avoid social media as much as possible, be on guard for things that may prompt such feelings and If you do come across a post of someone who is doing well, wish them even more happiness and success in every aspect of their life, this will help you negate feelings of envy and jealousy.
Practice Good morals and Ethics
Practice good morals and ethics, how can one have Barkat in life without practicing good morals and ethics? I think this is as self-explanatory as it gets. I feel this is important simply to maintain good mental health.
Barkat in Wealth
If you want Barkat in your wealth, spend it on your family and donate generously to the less fortunate. If there is a cause you are passionate about, find an organization that is working on it and donate your money to them. You will find that donating in this manner will not only give you tremendous pleasure but also will benefit society. This puts money back into circulation which is good for the economy. Hoarding money benefits no one — not even the hoarder (inflation).
Barkat in Happiness
If you want Barkat in your happiness, as in you want more and long-lasting happiness in your life — spread it around you, smile when you greet people, buy lunch for your colleagues this upcoming Friday or pay for the car behind you at the drive-thru, little acts like these spread joy around you that will eventually make you happier in life.
Barkat in Respect
If you want Barkat in your respect, as in you want people to respect you — be respectful, kind, and gentle towards people around you. Treat people such as retail associates and hospitality workers around you, in the same manner, you would like to be treated if you were in their shoes.
Barkat in Knowledge
If you want Barkat in your knowledge, spread it, and share it with people around you. Knowledge is something that one can never get enough of and spreading or sharing it will never make one poor. If anything, it will make one’s knowledge richer and more beneficial.
Spread the word about Barkat
As you can see this simple formula can be applied to anything in life, and it is very easy to apply.
I can attest to the fact that this formula has worked for me. I hope that sharing the knowledge of Barkat with everybody on the internet will bring Barkat into my life and the lives of readers alike.